

The golf dress code is considered respect for fellow players.


Dressing correctly on the golf courses is also the demonstration of one's will to join the golf community and accept its rules and behaviors.

Golf shirts must have a collar or turtleneck and sleeves. Collarless shirts and T-shirts of any kind are not encouraged.

Blue jeans are still not golf attire. However, pants made of denim and of a different color are in compliance with the dress code.

Collarless polo shirts, tops and t-shirts must have sleeves. On the other hand, sleeveless shirts and tops should have a collar. Backless tops, while very appealing, are not welcome on a golf course. Bermudas and golf skirts are allowed.

T-shirts or polo shirts without collars are not permitted. Bermuda shorts are of course accepted on hot days.


The rules of the game are an important part of a successful, fair and exciting game.


Compliance applies to both players and spectators.

Conduct on the course
While a player is preparing for or making a shot, absolute silence and still standing is required throughout the course. Please do NOT go onto the fairways but always stay at the edge of the fairways.

Cell phones prohibited!
Turn off your cell phone or leave it in your car. Talking on the phone is strictly forbidden and will be punished with an expulsion from the tournament area.

Photography prohibited!
Video cameras and cameras make disturbing noises. Photographers need a valid press accreditation.

Dogs are prohibited on the course
Therefore, please leave your four-legged friend at home - not in the car!

Please collect autographs only after the round
Please do not approach the players until after the tournament round. There will certainly be an opportunity for a personal dedication then.

When a storm is approaching
Play will be suspended immediately when the siren sounds. Seek shelter in the facility buildings and never under trees or in open areas. Acute danger to life!


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Contact &



ProGolf AG
Schlachtstrasse 3
CH-6204 Sempach Stadt

Tel. 0848 258 246 

How to find us

Take highway A35 towards EuroAirport and exit at junction 37. Follow the road (D105 /D473) and turn right after Folgensbourg onto the D16 towards Domaine Saint Apollinaire.


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